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What members say:
04/02/2018 6 years ago
@admin: great ending to a great series, thanks for the threesome w/ Olivia and Piper, and the lotion scene with Katy. Very very hot!!
Business Angels 10
04/01/2018 6 years ago
wow wow new series is coming!!! I didnt see that coming :D. Can you give us any info about new one? *_*
Business Angels 10
03/17/2018 7 years ago
Really appriciate the game, guys. Great job. But you've made the last few episodes really, really hard. It should be a challenge, but this next-to-impossible approach isn't cutting it for me. You should tone the difficulty down a notch. I'm a paying customer and I'm walking away after 15 minutes since I can't get anywhere. Find the balance.
The Photobook 4
03/14/2018 7 years ago
@admin: thanks for the nice girl/girl scenes, also in part 1! hope you will let Steve (and us) enjoy a threesome with Olivia and Piper, or perhaps with Milly and Kathy!! :-)
Business Angels 9 part 2
02/03/2018 7 years ago
@FSG admin: This is awesome; great game play. Especially how the game unfolds with new destinations and places you can revisit more times (and need to in order to get action). Seems to be a few bugs on the point collection (which does not add up on count and what it says when the game is finished) and also Katy promises to send Steve something while he fixes the situation with Olivia and Milla, but nothing happens afterwards.. But great game - and nice with the dilemmas like doing what Milly asked and having sex with Piper. Hope this series continues to use this style.
Business Angels 8