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Comments (5)
12/28/2015 9 years ago
What is this appointment about?
Oh yes, of course, she told me about that.
i am in charge of this interview.
Do you want me to call her?
Let's go to the staff room.
Please, sit down.
So, how are you doing?
Good, so who wants to start first?
No, as you wish, really.
Very good, give me your resume please.
(click on her picture or in the first part of her resume)
Can you introduce yourself please?
(click on the line under "mondopolo", then you can click on what you in this part)
What are mondopolo activities ?
Really, you weren't a personal assistant?
And can i call your supervisor?
Very well, let's go on.
(click on freelance reporter, then you can click on what you in this part)
Don't those dates overlap?
Did you publish many articles ?
Can we read them online?
You don't know the newspaper you worked for?
Very well, let's go on.
You are not very convincing...
Ok, very well.
(click on you play i strip, photo video modeling)
You worked as a model for you play, i strip??? (note: no google bombing, for me, click on the link if you want to know what it is :p)
The best strip poker website in the world!
i knew i had already seen you somewhere!
No, not at all, make yourself comfortable.
Take your shirt off...
We'll see that, show them to me and we'll talk about it.
You have very beautiful breasts!
You worked as a model for you play, i strip???
So, you are open-minded about nudity and stuff?
the interview is not going very well...
May-be you could go on top-less
We'll see that, show them to me and we'll talk about it.
You have very beautiful breasts!
I don't know, you lied to me.
Would you take off your skirt? (you can also click on "Really?", then on "then take off your skirt")
Then let's go!
You are very convincing!
Then you have to click on her hair or on her mouth or or on her nipple. (no order, but click on these 3 choices)
(it makes 3 clicks)
Then on her pussy or on her mouth
Then on her mouth or on her pussy (the one that remains)
Click on the dildo.
Sure, but i have to see the other girl as well, at least to be polite..
Yes, please.
If you want to replay restart the game, because there is a bug at this point.
12/27/2015 9 years ago
names please
05/25/2015 9 years ago
It goes... tits, lips, hair, pussy, lips and then after that u just hit the dildo and ur golden yw
08/24/2012 12 years ago
The video triggering is broken, right-click-forward only got me so far
01/11/2012 13 years ago
am stuck
any help