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Another great Interactive strip game

Chloé challenges you in this poker game


Try to beat our sexy new girl to our last poker game. If you manage to bluff well and to win the game, you'll see her have a nice play with her big sex toy. And, if you've liked what you've seen, don't hesitate to have a look to our dear friends website : Strip Poker xxx. So it's your go to show what you've got, good luck to you!

Discover our brand new strip poker with a sexy sport teen :  Chloé. If you know what to do with your card, you'll get to watch a very hot dildo show.

Comments (7)



07/13/2017 7 years ago

anyone konw the real name of Chloe?



02/06/2016 9 years ago

Anyone know her name ?



06/26/2015 9 years ago




10/18/2013 11 years ago

Oh yeah, disregard what I said about you losing money after getting her to strip, I thought that was what was happening because I keep accidentally clicking on the bonus button too often. But the rest of what I said still stands.



10/18/2013 11 years ago

I don't get how this game got 4 stars with all the serious bugs it has and how slow it can be. I guess people didn't really notice. Here's a long review to hopefully address the bugs and some other problems because this game really needs an update along with the other versions of it (like Piper Fawn):

Firstly the bet 10 button is broken because it instead will bet 5 (I haven't seen her bet 10 either), and the scoring system doesn't even work right. For example I lost a 2 pair of Kings and Twos to a 2 pair of Jacks and some other lower pair like Sevens (I'm POSITIVE it wasn't Aces), so I should have won that hand. I've also won a junk hand when her junk hand had an Ace and my highest card was only a King (yes I won, but it was still wrong). There's also a somewhat minor bug if you click a "cheat" button during a "bonus" video: it will use up the cheat yet you won't see any cards. These should all be obvious things to fix.

There's also a few problems when you lose or are about to lose as well. First, if you DO end up losing, you aren't even shown her hand to see what you lost against which is cheap and annoying, so for all we know she could have cheated.
BEFORE you lose you can go into as much negative money as you can bet into as long as you end up winning the hand to get back into a positive amount, which is flawed because if you DO go into negative such as from a blind or to meet her bet, you might as well keep betting to try and win as much money as possible, as you have nothing to lose.
Lastly, if you get her to strip you somehow LOSE the money that you gained and get put back to 200. This would be ok IF she instead dressed back up if you ran out of money and you gain your previous 200 back, but instead you just lose, regardless of how many times she stripped, which is just dumb and unfair.

Solutions: If you lose the game make her show her last hand, if you run out of money to bet make it so you can't bet any more and your opponent will just have to check/stay (just like in any other poker game), and lastly do 1 of two things: if you lose all your money AFTER getting her to strip, then you should go back to the previous stage where she had more clothing on and get your previously earned money from that stage refunded, OR just let you keep all your money you earned from previous stages. Again this is just like how other strip poker games work).

The final category to note is the videos; they take awhile to complete which is bad because you can't do any actions, such as bet, deal, or change cards until the video is finished, and they repeat quite often. This includes the bonus video (which I often accidentally click a lot and keep losing money as a consequence).

Solutions: If a video is in progress and the player selects an action, simply do said action and also possibly skip the rest of the video and start another one (if said action would normally trigger another video). Also, the "bonus" button either should not be right under the deal/change card button OR require a confirmation (yes/no box) before starting and taking $60 from you. Also consider making the bonus button free after you buy it once for each stage (just like other strip poker games).

I really hope this review is read by someone who can fix this game. The opponent is already smart and hard enough to beat without all these bugs and nuisances; they are the last thing we need.



03/15/2013 11 years ago

WTF kind of poker is this? There's no way, if done with real cards, that she'd end up with a pair, or better, EVERY FUCKING HAND.



02/04/2013 12 years ago

A,2,3,4,5 is a straight for who ever made this game. I just lost to a friggin' pair with a straight. Bullshit, I quit


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