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Comments (7)
12/01/2024 3 months ago
Yes the lack of scenes is disappointing, but the AI system itself has definitely improved. Even how weird the question you ask, the answer is pretty spot on and not stuck in a loop. Yiu could improve this game by at least letting her strip in some way
Julien admin
12/01/2024 3 months ago
This game is not meant to compete with our regular games. It's just an extra game to let you try our last experiments with AI stuff.
12/01/2024 3 months ago
I guess you putted a lot of efforts but it is pretty disappointing compared to the other games
12/01/2024 3 months ago
God this is awful
BLG Apex
11/30/2024 3 months ago
are there no sex scenes? only a few pictures?
11/28/2024 3 months ago
The descriptions in the chat conversation is not fitting the fitting. "Turns around, showing her naked backside" meanwhile she is fully clothed, not even showing her back?
idk28 @idk28
11/28/2024 3 months ago
fitting the images*