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Get ready for Solace Pro, the new special gamer masturbator from Lovense!
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Comments (35)
03/02/2024 1 year ago
The new game?
04/20/2020 4 years ago
What are these girls names?
04/16/2020 4 years ago
Finally I found the time to write you yet another guide and I hope you find it as helpfull as the last ones. Hopefully you enjoy the scenes as much as I did!
- Stay for a while
- click sun cream in the right cornor
Go to Beach pool
- Say hello
3. I couldn’t agree more!
2. That’s a great idea.
1. Thomas. It’s nice to meet you.
4. It’s paradise, alright…
1. Thank you.
1. I can lend you my sun cream if you want…
1. No worries, bye.
Go to Reception
1. Why do you think I’m here to see her?
1. Ah… OK…
1. I could try to find them for you if you want.
1. No worries, I’ll keep you updated.
1. No worries.
Go to Zen garden
- Go and speak with her
1. Hello, Chloe. What are you up to?
1. Sure…
1. Oh, really?
1. Really, where was that? In your bungalow?
1. But… What were you doing there?
1. Very well, I’ll go.
Go to Daniels place
- Go in the building
- Look further ahead
- look in the containers (middle of the bottom screen)
- click on the door in the middle
- click on the black square to use your master key
- Stay
- Quielty, go and see what’s going on
- Remain hidden and continue to watch
- click on the hand near the neck of the brunette
- click on the blue bra strap
- click on the breast of the brunette
- click the remaining bra
- click panties of the brunette
- click breast of the brunette
- click pussy
- click mouth
- click finger on clit
- Keep watching
- click panties
- click ass/pussy
- click panties
- click pussy
- Keep watching
- click dildo
- click pussy
- click hand holding the dildo
- click dildo
- click dildo
- Keep watching
- click dildo
- click pussy
- click dildo
- click hand rubbing clit
- Hide in the main room
- Take a peek
- Listen to their conversation
- Take a peek
- Leave
- Leave
- Leave
Go to Beach pool
1. Yep!
2. Thanks. Can I do anything else for you?
1. I’ll see what I can do!
1. Message recelved. I’ll be back soon.
Go to Reception
- Enter
3. Yes.
2. The issue has been resolved. They’re going to work hard to make up for lost times.
2. I’m happy to help.
- Leave
Go to Your Place
- Look at your phone
- click on NEW MESSAGE
- Leave
Go to Spa
- Go to the outside terrace
1. In regards to what?
1. Everything is going well and the guests are ecstatic.
2. Thanks. It’s thougher job than I thought…
3. I don’t like cocktails.
1. Actually, that sounds pretty nice…
1. Hey Melanie!
Go to Storage
- Go in
- click on the fridge
- click on the left side on the last row of spices
- Leave
Go to Tree Bar
- Look for the kitchen garden
- Look a little closer
- click a little above the chair that stands behind the garden table in the middle of this scene
- Leave
- Go in
- Find a bottle of rum
- Put some music on
- Look for a cocktail shaker
- Make the cocktail
- Leave
Go to Beach pool
1. Yes! Taste this!
1. Yes…
1. Oh, really.. ?
1. Yes, of course…
1. OK…
2. I understand.
3. I don’t envy you.
1. Yes.
1. Yes!
1. Oh, really.. ?
- click dick
- click dick
- Lick her pussy
1. Yes…
- click asshole
- click dick
- click pussy
1. OK…
- click thumb
1. OK…
1. OK…
1. OK…
- click asshole
1. OK…
- click dick
- click asshole
- Keep going
- Cum as well
1. It was…
- Say nothing and leave
Go to Your Place
- Lie down
04/16/2020 4 years ago
where is chili ?
Vinsounet @Uru
04/16/2020 4 years ago
There is a good question, where is chili???
04/16/2020 4 years ago
possible de posté la solution par étape svp merci d'avance
04/16/2020 4 years ago
i got chili, lemon , rhum ,
flavored herbs but can't find ginger. Where the fuck i can find those ingredient
Lord2u @xpearlz
04/16/2020 4 years ago
Where can i find lemon and rhum ? please
Taskana @xpearlz
04/16/2020 4 years ago
You should check the storage for the ginger (keep an eye on the left side)
xpearlz @Taskana
04/16/2020 4 years ago
thanks you but i think the game were bug. first try i coudlnt click on the solar cream. In the storage when my mouse was on the left nothing appear so... yikes lol
04/15/2020 4 years ago
ADMIN - scene keeps sticking (two girls on the bed, when the fair haired girl goes down). Have tried reloading the flash four times now. Please can you have a look at this
Julien admin @ducterlove
04/16/2020 4 years ago
I double-checked, it's working fine here. Please try to load the HTML5 version. Flash is coming to its end soon anyway.
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Ogolem @benoOa
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Where I must start?
04/15/2020 4 years ago
got it but don't know what kind of ingredients i need
cause everytime is this chef coming when i take all of em..
Ogolem @deluxe93
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Chilli and the other one (left under the tomatoes)
04/15/2020 4 years ago
93% Great game!
Ogolem @pacol20
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Where I must go at the beginning?
04/15/2020 4 years ago
51% I only see the action with two girls
histoire77 @Ogolem
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Where did you go because i didn't find them?
Ogolem @histoire77
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Reception - help to find her, go the the Zen garden - talk with her - then she will say you where you must go, they are by Daniel's room
histoire77 @Ogolem
04/15/2020 4 years ago
It's ok until that point but after i found the electronic card what sould i do?
histoire77 @histoire77
04/15/2020 4 years ago
i find it
04/15/2020 4 years ago
where do i find the chilli?
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Where can I find Chili?
Ogolem @sm34
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Little garden, behind the tree bar, when you do it right with the reception girl, then you must go to your room and look at your phone, after you must go to tree bar in the little garden
04/15/2020 4 years ago
100 %, I love this game series!
Ogolem @Taskana
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Please can you say where I must begin?
deluxe93 @Taskana
04/15/2020 4 years ago
good job ! :D
don't give us a walkthorugh yet but can you tell what scenes you got
Taskana @deluxe93
04/16/2020 4 years ago
You can find one lesbian scene and one sex scene, plus a cute photo and a short shower scene
Lord2u @Taskana
04/16/2020 4 years ago
How do you get further with the Girls from Pool ? please
04/15/2020 4 years ago
How do you get further with the Girls from Pool?
Ogolem @coachen
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Girls or girl?
coachen @coachen
04/15/2020 4 years ago
Got it
Lord2u @coachen
04/15/2020 4 years ago
How ?