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Comments (4)
01/21/2024 1 year ago
Hello, I try to play this game and at the airport I don't know what to do. I can't get the gold and if I interact I see the buttons "inventory" and "empty inventrory". If I click on one of the buttons there is nothing happening. Can someone help me how to play this game? Also in which order I need to play?
mathpalomares @Fighter1985
03/21/2024 1 year ago
Go to the kitchen when the chef has gone and pickup the foil, go to the gold bar and press "E" and click on foil, pickup the handbag and put on the scan. Done
Fighter1985 @mathpalomares
04/03/2024 11 months ago
Thanks for your advice. But how long do I have to wait before the chef is gone? And do I have to do anything else? Because I tried different scenarios but nothing happend.
(Meeeeeeeeeee) @Fighter1985
03/17/2024 1 year ago
I had the same problem for all of the eroman games and there seems to be no walkthrough type thing soooo ig we are just stuck