Strip games with videos are a special kind of video strip games. The gameplay is of course the same than any other strip games but this times, the player is rewarded with full strip-tease videos when he wins against his opponent. So, usually, there are two stages in a strip games with videos, the playing stage where you choose your moves and so do your opponent. And the stripping stage where the girl takes off her outfit if you won the previous stage. While less common, you can also find some games where the girl strips immediately after one of your move and get her clothes back on if you loose.
Videos are rich media and do an awesome jobs at making a game more realistic. Actually, in some of these games, you almost feel as if you were playing against a real opponent in real time. Well, of course, if the video are not in HD or of bad quality, this feeling will be harder to get but still, videos make things more "live" anyway.
Strip games with videos are a new comer in the field of strip games and so there are definetely less of them than regular strip games with pictures but the trend in the adut industry is to make better use of rich media to create new strip games, more appealing for the players.
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